Bronze Award celebrated
Pupils and staff from Hall Cliffe Primary School were delighted with the news that they have been awarded the Bronze Level Award for the Attachment & Trauma-Sensitive Schools Award (ATSSA).
Accredited by Jennifer Nock Training and Consultancy, the award aims to provide a framework of support and understanding for schools to support children and young people who have experienced adversity and assist in helping them to heal, thrive, play and learn.
The Award aims to ensure that everyone within the educational environment has a good knowledge of the needs of children and young people who have experienced adversity and of the strategies and resources that are available to meet such needs. This awareness of how to support children and young people’s emotional needs and development is a key factor in promoting better learning and mental/physical health outcomes for all learners.
The Attachment and Trauma-Sensitive Schools Award is an external sign of recognition of the commitment of the staff from Hall Cliffe Primary and the steps taken to develop a culture of compassion and nurture, which plays a pivotal role in getting children and young people into a state of ‘learning readiness’.
The award is issued only to those educational establishments that can demonstrate that they have met its rigorous quality standards and can maintain them over time.
Well done to everyone at Hall Cliffe Primary!