Broadbeck Learning Centre celebrate Ofsted report
Pupils and staff from Broadbeck Learning Centre are celebrating the publication of their latest Ofsted report. The provision has been judged as good, demonstrating the incredible difference Broadbeck continues to make to its pupils, and their families.
Located in Yorkshire, our fully integrated therapeutic site prides itself in providing pupils with a caring, positive and welcoming learning environment where they can achieve their full potential in their education and develop their social communication skills. To the delight of everyone, these fantastic qualities were noted in the report.
- This is a small, nurturing school where children feel safe. Pupils enjoy school. They attend well and work hard in lessons. Pupils trust staff and feel listened to.
- Leaders recognise the importance of reading and spread their enthusiasm for reading to pupils. Pupils read in school every day. Leaders help parents and carers support their child’s reading at home.
- Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum. Leaders want pupils to learn about themselves and the world around them. Pupils can gain a wide range of recognised qualifications. Teachers are passionate about their subjects. Teachers share with pupils a sense of awe and wonder about their subject.
- Each pupil has a bespoke plan that explains how they learn best. Teachers use this information and subject assessments well. Pupils catch up quickly and gain confidence as learners.
- There is a rich programme to support pupils’ personal development. This programme includes lessons in personal, social and health education (PSHE) as well as enrichment activities.
- Pupils learn about the world of work from an early age. Leaders ensure that pupils have access to independent careers advice. Older pupils talk confidently about what they plan to do when they leave Broadbeck.
- All staff are involved in seeking out each pupil’s potential, pushing pupils to do their best and training pupils how to cope in the wider world.
- There is a strong culture of safeguarding in the school. Staff are aware of the additional vulnerabilities of pupils in the school. Pupils trust staff and know who to talk to if anything is worrying them.
Head Teacher, Neil Bourke commented:
"We are delighted that the pupils and staff of Broadbeck Learning Centre got to show off just how amazing they are. It is fantastic that the talent, dedication and commitment of the staff has been officially recognised."