World Book Day celebrated in style
Pupils and staff across our Group recently transformed themselves into their favourite book characters for World Book Day. Created in 1995 by UNESCO, World Book Day celebrates authors, illustrators, books and reading, and is marked in the calendars of over 100 countries all over the world to help encourage children to read.
At Chilworth House School characters were brought to life as everyone proudly wore an array of outfits, from Woody, Hagrid, Mario, Rasta Mouse, Spiderman, and Voldemort. During the day, classes created story jars that were full of humour and suspense and proudly presented them in assembly. They also rolled up their sleeves to take part in a quiz all about books.

Pupils dress up as their favourite characters at Chilworth House School.

Pupils and staff from Hall Cliffe School also underwent transformations and took part in a school wide competition where classes decorated their classroom doors and other activities in the newly opened library.

Staff team at Hall Cliffe School dressed up too.
At Dovetree School, pupils and staff celebrated by dressing up as their favourite Heroes and Villains! This incorporated the whole school topic of ‘Horror; where pupils have explored the traits that make villains and the traits that make heroes.

Every year on the first Thursday of March, Bridgeway school celebrates World Book Day. Throughout the week, each tutor group read a novel during Ready to Learn. These books ranged from Armistice Runner by Tom Palmer to Crater Lake by Jennifer Killick and were a great opportunity to listen and explore stories from different genres.
Buttermere and Grasmere Classes were able to take part in David Walliams’ AMAAAAAZING ASSEMBLY. They listed to him and were lucky enough to have him answer a questions.
Watch the video by clicking here. Skip to 8:20 to find out his answer to their question.
On World Book Day itself, alongside their annual World Book Day quiz, they also held a guess the masked reader task. Pupils guessed the book that was being read and the member of staff who was reading it. The first three pupils to guess correctly won a novel of their choice.
Rachel Penman, the school's receptionist, also happens to be a professional book illustrator. She shared the different aspects of her work, from storyboards, to character designs, to creating front covers, which help to bring the power of words alive through images.
Well done everyone!