Pontville Blog 167: More highlights and tasty delights
The team of bloggers from Pontville School share the latest updates from across the school.
16-19 MacMillan Coffee Morning
The 16-19 students recently held the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning helping create awareness for MacMillan Cancer Support through baking, buying and donating cakes, raising over £400.
Instructor, Jen Nickeas shares more detail:
"Prior to the day, students created some colourful, eye-catching marketing materials to communicate their MacMillan event to parents, carers, pupils and staff. Rolling up their sleeves, they got stuck in creating some delicious cakes for all to enjoy, including Tom’s gluten free banana and oat muffins, Sean’s three-tiered chocolatey sponge cake and Nicky’s infamous scrumptious tray bakes, and much, much more."

Parent Voice Group
The school recently held their first two parent voice group sessions, where parents and carers were able to meet staff, learn more about the school and provide feedback for further improvements to be included in the coming year’s School Development Plans. Here are some of the fantastic comments which were shared from these sessions:
"Very informative. It helped us to understand the school better."
"Meeting new parents/carers and catching up with established parents/carers. All sessions were enjoyable and informative."
"That was very helpful and it is a great thing to attend, especially as a new parent."
"That it was helpful, useful and informative."

Reading Champions
Literacy Co-ordinator, Rebecca Roughly shares details from their Reading Champions.
"This week we had a meeting for all Reading Champions. This went really well and it was lovely to see pupils and staff excited about reading and being the Reading Champion. All classes have a staff and pupil Reading Champion who promotes reading in their forms and across the school. Also, primary and the nurture groups have been getting to grips with Read, Write Inc, which is a new programme and already staff have provided positive feedback, commenting that pupils have been engaged and are enjoying this new programme. Over at Fir 3 Class, they have been making good use of their library by reading for pleasure."

Building bridges
HLTA, Craig Wilson-Broadbent shares details of The Rangers involvement in building a bridge:
"Recently, The Rangers from across the Key Stages helped replace and build a new bridge at Beacon Park to enable vehicles to gain access throughout the park. The team worked hard and their work ethic was outstanding. They were a credit to school and themselves, interacting with the general public and the parks Rangers. Thank you to Owen, Levi, Kal, Joel and Kian, and to the staff team, Grace and Sam for supporting the pupils."