Pontville Blog 151: What a week!
The blogging team from Pontville School are back with their weekly highlights from around the school.
Kieran Ashton, HLTA, kicks off with news about the new football team and their first game of the season.
"We took a heavy defeat to a good team in our first game. The footballers didn't let their heads drop and they took feedback on board. We had a tough 2-1 loss in the second game but deserved to win and played better; their heads still didn’t drop. The team deservedly won the third game, winning 2-1 and as you would expect they were thrilled with this. The team just get better in each game. "

Engineering box
The James Dyson Foundation Engineering box has been a great source of practical learning. Designed to introduce pupils to Dyson technology, the box encourages them to think like engineers, examine the design process and solve problems.
Pupils and staff were equally engaged, taking apart parts of the Dyson vacuum cleaner and putting them back together again. They were able to see how each part fitted together and how it worked.

Choir and arts
Joy Green, Residential Support Worker in Oakwood, shares news about pupil Tom.
Tom is doing extremely well with his independence skills. He’s joined a choir, performing arts group, cooking gorgeous meals and walking into Ormskirk independently. Tom was awarded with a well-deserved certificate.

Spook-tacular pumpkins
Larch 3 Class have enjoyed some sensory Halloween fun. They carved pumpkins for the school's Halloween display and making pumpkin stress balls, which shouldn’t be squeezed too tightly as James found out.

16-19 Centre update
Students from the 16-19 Centre set up a stand in the playground, selling pumpkins. They raised a very impressive £235, meaning £80 profit for us! Not bad going for an hour’s work! Wow!!!

What a week! Well done everyone.