The Rainbow Award celebrated
Pupils and staff from Hall Cliffe School are delighted that they have achieved the badges for 'Effective Policies' and 'Supportive Governors and Parents' for The Rainbow Flag Award.
Two badges away from the award, The Rainbow Flag focuses on positive LGBT+, (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus other related identities), inclusion and visibility. It encourages a whole organisation approach to LGBT+ inclusion, as well as developing strategies to effectively challenge and combat LGBTphobic bullying.
Committing the school to the Rainbow Flag Award is a commitment to improving the lives of all the young people that staff work with, as well as those from LGBT+ families, and LGBT+ staff members.
The feedback noted:
- It is clear that there is a real effort being made to signpost parents and carers to further support and that you are actively trying to include the board and SLT by making The Rainbow Flag Award a regular agenda item.
- Governors actively participate in creating an LGBT+ positive learning environment and are committed to a stance against LGBT phobia.
- Information has been shared with parents about the need to create an LGBT+ positive learning environment.
- Governors and parents have access to the LGBT+ positive resources that are being implemented.
- Governors and parents know how to access information and support, through signposting to appropriate local and national LGBT+ services for children and young people, and families.
- Policies are written and published that reflect a commitment to robustly combat LGBT phobia and create an LGBT+ positive learning environment, in line with legal, statutory and moral obligations.
- LGBT+ inclusive policies have been comprehensively and effectively shared with the staff team, understood and implemented.
The assessor noted:
"l think that from your policies it is clear that LGBT phobia is not acceptable and will be challenged and reported. It was great to see which areas of your RSE curriculum are LGBT+ inclusive, and I look forward to seeing some of these lessons as part of your Inclusive Curriculum submission."
Deputy Head Teacher, James Brown commented:
"We are all proud to have achieved this award."
Great work, everyone.