Bridgeway School ace teamwork
Pupils and staff from Bridgeway School have embraced the changes that have taken place through the pandemic by working together as a team, keeping one another safe, and taking on new and exciting challenges.
Whilst embracing the social distancing rules, the changes to the school routine has seen pupils adapt and welcome new peers in their classroom to help class sizes stay small. They have also been following the one way systems and generally working together without hesitation to adhere to hygiene routines.
In some of their ready to learn sessions, tutor groups have participated in pulse-raising with Joe Wicks; the sessions have been met with enthusiasm by both pupils and staff. It’s not just physical activity where the pupils and staff have reaped the benefits from, Sir David Attenborough has provided his expansive knowledge on the plant’s biological wonders and mysteries through web lessons for Humanities, and also astronaut Tim Peak has delivered some interesting Science lessons about space.
While some pupils continued to attend school, the majority of pupils from the school’s Nurture Class have chosen to stay at home, prompting their teachers to become the WebEx champions, offering daily sessions to those at home. The staff have also kindly volunteered to carry out socially distanced home visits and to start getting to know their new starters who will be joining them in September.
The staff team has also been willing to contribute and go above and beyond to ensure the smooth running of the school by being part of the enforcer team to contribute to and evaluate COVID 19 related policies, monitoring the thermal imaging camera, dispensing hand sanitiser, escorting classes to lessons to avoid corridor crowding, providing extra therapeutic input, supervision of cleaning equipment and workspaces after use, making progress and welfare calls home, putting together work packs and ensuring the Frog VLE, a virtual learning platform is always up to date.
What a brilliant example of teamwork! Well done everyone.