Raising awareness
This term, pupils and staff from Westmorland School have been taking part in celebrations to raise money and awareness of great national causes.
The school recently took part in activities for BBC Children In Need and talked about mental health and wellbeing. Pupils decorated cakes and biscuits, played well being bingo and hosted a Pudsey colouring competition.

Pupils raise awareness of Children in Need.

They also took part in Anti-Bullying Week – the main topic of this year’s campaign was United Against Bullying. During the week, the school held an odd socks day which was an opportunity for children to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and explore what makes us all unique. They also decorated hearts for a heart tree that is currently being displayed in their reception area. They made one heart with kind words and the other with hurtful words, showing that words can make people feel good and can also cause people to be upset.
Well done everyone.