Live Learn Eat Grow
Pupils working towards the Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE) from Chilworth House Upper School have been busy participating in a project for the last two years with Cherwell Collective, who reduce waste and help disadvantaged individuals in Oxford.
The most recent project pupils have been involved in is at the local park, where they created an education area for the public to grow their own fruit and vegetables, as well as volunteering. Since day one of the project, pupils have planted over 100 trees, created a wood chip path, filled huge tyres full of vegetables, built a bug house, harvested crops, and tended to the upkeep of the areas.
Once the vegetables have been harvested they are delivered to the kitchen, where volunteers cook for homeless people and vulnerable families.
This has been an invaluable experience for all the pupils involved over the last two years, as they have been able to be involved and make a real impact and contribution to their community.
This is a fine example of a dream team, wouldn’t you agree?

Pupils participate in local project - Cherwell Collective.