Teacher selected to be UK Parliament Teacher Ambassador
Ed Wright, Assistant Head Teacher, from Avon Park School has been selected to be a UK Parliament Teacher Ambassador.
Ed is one of 70 teachers from across the UK who has been successful in applying to attend “Teachers’ Institute” at the Houses of Parliament between 21-23 January, 2019.
He will attend a three-day training event in Parliament and the opportunity to question the House of Commons Speaker and the Lord Speaker, as well as hear from parliamentarians of all parties about their work.
Those selected to attend Teachers‘ Institute go on to become UK Parliament Teacher Ambassadors for Parliament’s Education and Engagement Service, and train their students and colleagues about the role of the UK Parliament.
Ed commented:
“I am really proud to have been accepted on this prestigious event.”
Since its launch in 2006, Teachers’ Institute has trained more than 800 teachers from all parts of the UK, giving them a detailed understanding of how the House of Commons and Lords work.
Welcoming the new Ambassadors to Teachers’ Institute, Rt Hon Lord Fowler, The Lord Speaker, said:
“Teachers’ Institute is exceptionally well-regarded by the participants each year, and I welcome the opportunity to explain the work of the House of Lords to such an appreciative audience.”
Rt Hon John Bercow MP, Speaker of the House of Commons, added:
“I am proud that this excellent initiative continues to provide such an invaluable service. Better engagement and dialogue with young people is of fundamental importance to our democracy, and I am sure that the UK Parliament Teacher Ambassadors attending Teachers’ Institute will find the experience both useful and enlightening.”