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Nelly’s Story
“Nelly is on her way to reaching milestones that she could have only dreamed of before.”
Cedar House School
Nelly’s Story
Nelly was diagnosed with autism and experienced delayed receptive and expressive language skills. She struggled with maintaining her attention and found listening to instructions difficult. Her experience in the classroom was one of frustration and as she would often feel anxious and unable to communicate, she would spit, become aggressive towards others and then become isolated as her peers would shy away from playing with her. In addition to all this, Nelly had great difficulty in coping and dealing with social situations. She often refused to join in within class activities and her parents were finding it increasingly difficult to encourage her to leave the house, making it challenging for her to all function as a family.
Upon arrival at Cedar House School, Nelly was placed into a small nurture class where she could receive the attention she needed to start to make academic and social progress. Her nurture class followed a modified timetable, with an emphasis on social skills, that was put into place by our speech and language and occupational therapist.
The nurture class enabled Nelly to experience new opportunities, such as going to cafes, exploring local parks and shopping centres, and accessing the school’s salon services. Making good progress, Nelly transitioned to another small group where she continues to make positive steps and learns to build relationships and make new friends.
Since starting at Cedar House School, Nelly’s parents have reported that she now enjoys being social at home, is more relaxed and shows more affection towards them. As each day goes by, Nelly is on her way to reaching milestones that she could have only dreamed of before. A bright future full of promise is certainly on the horizon for this young girl.