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Jack's Story
“Jack’s journey hasn’t been an easy one, but ultimately he has succeeded in putting his life back together.”
Jack's Story
Jack arrived at Dene Croft Children’s Home when his long term foster placement broke down. His foster parents, who deeply cared for Jack and wanted the best for him, just couldn’t cope with his ever increasing challenging behaviour. It was devastating for everyone involved, especially as it meant that Jack and his younger sister would be separated.
The team at Dene Croft knew that they needed to help Jack in this time of crisis and assist in him putting the pieces of his life back together. It was not going to be easy, but fortunately for Jack this is what Dene Croft do best. With firm boundaries and plans in place, and a focus on the building of positive relationships and consistency, Jack’s behaviour started to really improve. There were still setbacks but the team were resolute in their support and encouragement.
It wasn’t long before it was clear to see that the jigsaw of Jack’s life was starting to come together. His school life was thriving, with a 100% attendance record being one really positive indicator, and his behaviour and understanding of acceptable boundaries showing great improvement.
The last piece of the puzzle was finally slotted in place when it was decided that Jack could start to re-engage with his ex-foster carers and, most importantly, his younger sister. It was a special moment for everyone involved and Jack now spends every school holiday with them. Jack’s journey hasn’t been an easy one, but ultimately he has succeeded in putting his life back together.