Greenholm School Prospectus
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Policies & procedures
We have a formal admissions procedure to ensure that we are able to meet a child’s needs, so that they can make rapid progress in education and develop socially and emotionally at our school.

Our admissions procedure
The first step is for the local authority to make a consultation to our school Admissions Team. The referral will include the child or young person’s Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP).
Our team will make an initial assessment by reviewing paperwork about your child. If appropriate, we will invite you and your child to visit our school to further inform our decision about whether we can meet needs.
During the visit, we will provide a tour of our school and you and your child will have the opportunity to meet the head teacher. Following a successful school visit, an offer letter will be sent to the local authority with a suggested start date. Once the offer of a place has been accepted, you will be advised, and transition can begin.
School prospectus
Our school prospectus provides more detail about our school and how we operate to ensure your child receives inspirational education.
Policies and procedures
We have an extensive list of policies and procedures in place at our school to ensure your child is given the best possible experience with us, some of which are listed below. For paper versions of the policy, please contact the school office.
SEN Information Report
As a parent or carer we understand you will have plenty of questions when considering the best school for your child.
Our SEN Information Report sometimes referred to as the local offer, attempts to answer many of these. We will also be happy to answer any questions over the phone or arrange an initial parental visit, so please just get in touch.

Partnering with you
Our dedicated staff will spend time finding out what your child enjoys and is interested in so that their interests are integrated into their learning experience. This, along with other needs, features in their support plans, which set targets to address areas for development.
We collaborate with parents, keeping you regularly informed and engaged in your child's education and well-being.
Any pupil who exhibits social, emotional, psychological or behavioural difficulties is provided with support, where necessary, from the Clinical Services Team, teaching and support teams, and our Pastoral Care Team, who are dedicated to ensuring that our pupils feel safe, settled, calm and ready to learn.
Guiding your SEN journey
Securing an EHCP can contribute to ensuring your child receives the education they deserve. Our comprehensive EHCP Support Pack includes videos, podcasts, and guides to help you and your family navigate your SEN journey.